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Tips, Tricks, and ideas

15 Common Mistakes Amateur Filmmakers Make (& How to Fix Them)

Making mistakes is part of learning and becoming better -- which, if we're smart, we never stop doing. But, it's always nice to learn how to avoid pitfalls before its too late, which is where filmmaker Darious Britt comes in. He has compiled 15 common (though not altogether obvious) mistakes that filmmakers make when they first start out and not only gives examples to learn from, but he also offers some excellent wisdom on ways to fix them this the video:

Lighting for Film & TV – Part 1: The Basics

Lighting, as with nearly every other aspect of Film & TV, is an essential part of the filmmaking process. Light can sculpt and describe a scene or character, it can hide or reveal key areas of your frame, it can enhance suspense and evoke emotion. It is as critical in directing the audiences’ attention or influencing their emotions as camera movement, acting, music and editing...

3 Simple Rules for Filming Without Lights (Exterior)

The first thing I want to talk about is shooting using Available Light. Available light is the ambient light that is exists in any given situation. In other words shooting in available light is when you don’t add any of your own film lights. (“Pretty obvious” I hear you say, “Thanks for that great pearl of wisdom there Chris!“).

So, if there’s enough light around without needing to rig any of your own lights, it should be pretty simple, just pick camera up and start filming right?!…Wrong!

3 Simple Tips for Filming Without Lights (Interior)

Welcome back to the final part of my “Tips for Shooting Without Lights” series.

In the previous article, we discussed filming outside and how you can get the most out of the available light… 

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The Camera Angles You Need to Know

The cinematographer's art often seems as much black magic as technique, taking a few actors milling around a set and turning it into something cinematic, evocative and occasionally iconic. Amidst all the voodoo and mystery, however, there is concrete science behind those money shots so we've identified thirty of the most important camera shots to help you distinguish your dolly zooms from your Dutch tilts.

13 Short Film Clichés

After you have watched as many short films as we have, you begin to notice a few trends of the medium. Maybe you start to keep a little mental tally of all the films that fit into a certain category or take advantage of similar schtick...

Tips on How to Record Gory, Bloody, Stabby, Sound Effects for Your Horror Film

Halloween is over, but that doesn't mean we can't still learn about how to make our horror films more gruesome!

Indie filmmakers usually don't have a whole lot of money to drop on a professional foley artist to design sound effects for their films, and downloading stock sounds can be a bit of a headache

Top 10 Tips for Film Sound Recording

A list of advice and major "Do's" and "Don't's" from Filmmaker, Producer, and Sound Engineer Tony Errico.

5 Pro Tips to Immediately Improve Your Indie Film’s Audio

I believe filmmakers opt for soundless films because incorporating good sound can be intimidating and hard to pull off. You might think it’s better to cut out the sound entirely, rather than release a piece with bad audio. I get that. But while I’d like you to believe that great sound design should be left to professional sound designers (that is, after all, how I make my living), the truth is there are some simple tricks you can use to drastically improve the audio of your films on your own.

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